By now, you probably have heard that vitamin D offers some pretty awesome health benefits. Yet vitamin D deficiency is rampant around the globe. Modern lifestyles and decades-long admonitions from the medical community often deny us the most natural source of vitamin D: the sun.
In addition, we may be born with a genetic predisposition to poorly metabolize vitamin D! Until recently, the usual response would be, “Oh, well. I inherited a vitamin D gene defect so I can’t do anything about it.”
Well, folks, those days are over. Thanks to scientific advancements, we can identify our DNA variants and, in many instances, discover how to overcome them – for better health and quality of life.
Vitamin D and Genetic Testing
Scientific advancements have brought us the capability to understand our DNA at a relatively affordable cost and positively influence our inherited traits so we can enjoy better quality of health and life.
A hereditary vitamin D deficiency is easy to identify from basic DNA testing and quite doable to rectify. In fact, I inherited two fairly common vitamin D-related genetic variants. So, I explored what this means to me and what significance my findings may have for you.
Why is Vitamin D Important?
Adequate vitamin D is essential to our health and quality of life. Do you know that every cell in our body contains a vitamin D receptor (VDR)? When a VDR is activated by a sufficient intake of vitamin D, a number of good things happen. Vitamin D’s mechanisms of action include: anti-microbial, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory. In other words, scientific research suggests that vitamin D deficiency is connected to a wide array of serious medical conditions such as cancer, diabetes, mental health disorders as well as multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases.
Due to our modern lifestyles and conventional medical practices, we tend to get little vitamin D from its natural source, the ultraviolet B (UVB) rays of the sun. From living, commuting, and working indoors to fretfully slapping sunscreen all over our skin, we appear intent on denying ourselves this essential nutrient. As most diets are severely lacking in vitamin D, the most practical way of getting adequate vitamin D is by taking an inexpensive daily, oral D3 supplement.
Common Vitamin D Genetic Variants
Two common vitamin D-related gene variants are VDR taq and VDR bsm. More than one-fourth of the world’s people have inherited at least one of these common two gene variants (called SNPs or single nucleotide polymorphisms), that are related to vitamin D metabolism.
One SNP named VDR taq (1) affects about 27 percent of the global population, according to the genetic reporting website. Approximately 26 percent of the world’s population has inherited another similar mutation called VDR bsm. (2)
The VDR taq and VDR bsm polymorphisms may adversely influence DNA expression during the the methylation cycle (3). These VDR genetic variants also may affect depression because they mediate the production of a neurotransmitter called dopamine.
When I recently received the results of my genetic tests, I discovered that I inherited the VDR taq (+/-) from one parent, and VDR bsm (+/-) (4) SNPs from one parent. Anyone who has inherited these homozygous (+/+) VDR gene polymorphisms from BOTH biological parents may experience not only a vitamin D deficiency but medical conditions associated with low vitamin D.
As someone who is impassioned with the health benefits of vitamin D, my vitamin D level has been optimal for years, despite my inherited VDR SNPs. What this means is anyone who has a VDR gene mutation can overcome this defect by raising one’s levels to at least 100 ng/mL (250 nmol/L). In fact, by following my three-nutrient Protocol, you most likely will overcome any vitamin D-related genetic disposition within weeks or months.
Genetic Testing May Be Easier Than You Think
Genetic testing is readily accessible and relatively affordable. In fact, you may already have access to some of your key genetic mutations including vitamin D, and it won’t cost you a penny to find out!
If you are one of the two million members of, you may have already taken its saliva test to ascertain your ethnic heritage. If so, you can run the raw data through an online database called that is free of charge (donations are gratefully accepted). If you have not done’s DNA test, you can order one for US$99 for less.
Another popular saliva genetic test is called 23andme. Both companies provide raw data on VDR taq and VDR bsm.
Both and provide saliva tests that can be done in the privacy of your home. If you are interested in a genetic test, I encourage you to check out the websites.
What is Your Vitamin D Level?
If you think your vitamin D level is sufficient without the need for a simple blood test, please think again. It is rare to see individuals with an optimal vitamin D level of 100 ng/mL (250 nmol/L).
The vitamin D test of your blood serum is called 25 (OH) vitamin D. You can get this test at your heathcare practitioner’s office or by ordering an at-home test kit. Most insurance plans cover all, or most, of the cost of a vitamin D test.
Once you know your vitamin D level, you may want to raise your level to optimal, assuming it is less than 100 ng/ml (250 nmol/L). The three-nutrient Vitamin D Wellness Protocol may help you raise and maintain your vitamin D level to enjoy improved health.
The Bottom Line
The time to acquiesce to genetic predispositions at the risk of your health and well-being is over. We now have a capability to understand our bodies’ vitamin D genetic composition, as well as the knowledge of how to overcome VDR gene mutations to enjoy Vitamin D Wellness.
In addition to vitamin D, DNA saliva tests provide myriad information about your genetic traits (including methylation and detoxification) and how you can influence them for better quality of life.
(1): taq = Thermus aquaticus; rs731236, risk allele: T>C.
(2): bsm = rs1544410, risk allele: G>A.
(3): Methylation is a vital biochemical process that facilitates both physical and mental health.
(4): Nomenclature for a heterozygous SNP is +/- (inherited from one biological parent); homozygous SNP is +/+ (inherited from both biological parents). If the test states -/-, you have not inherited a particular gene variant.
Author’s Note: Find out more about vitamin D by reading the award-winning Defend Your Life to discover how you can “Defend Your Life” against a vast array of medical conditions. In addition, a brand new update to Defend Your Life called Defend Your Life II is available on Amazon.
Medical Disclaimer: All material on this website is provided for your information only and may not be construed as, nor should it be a substitute for, professional medical advice. The author of this article is not a medical practitioner. Please see Terms and Conditions.
Copyright © 2019 by Smilin Sue Publishing, LLC
Permission to post on Curt Leda’s website until further notice.
All rights reserved.
Wow really good stuff Susan. My daughter is also having MS and auto immune disorder. It will be more effective for her. Thank you
I have a 23andMe account. I have I will have to check my health results to see if I have Vitamin D deficiency. I’m African American so having Vitamin D is very important and I have Ulcerative Colitis. This might help me.
This National Institute of Health lists 12 diseases which run in families.
ALL 12 of the diseases are associated with low vitamin D.
Details on each of the diseases as well as 187 articles on Genes and Vitamin D are at
I have a homozygous VDR Bsm genetic mutation… I have no idea what to do about it. I’m suspecting this may be a cause for some of my mental health and/or gut health issues. Please advise!!!
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hannah, consider following the Vitamin D Wellness Protocol that is stated in my blog. You also may want to join my Vitamin D Wellness FB group to learn more. Cheers, Sue
Both of my sons are +/- for both VDR variants. In addition they are MTHFRC677T +/1 and V158M +/+, COMT H62H +/+ and COMT P199P +/1. Vitamin D may help and I look forward to initiating your protocol.
It has been explained to me that the COMT and the CBS C699A +/ are making it so no supplements will help with their methylation cycle? Can you point me to a source that can help us? Thanks!
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Dear Cynthia, Thank you for your questions about your sons’ methylation gene variances. Regarding their VDR variances, your intention to follow the Vitamin D Wellness Protocol on this website is the way to increase their vitamin D levels.
Being that they are MTHFR C677T heterozygous (+/-) [is that correct?], your sons may need methyl B12 and folate. (Do not take folic acid.) However, you are correct that their CBS C699A +/- (difficulty tolerating methyl supplements) combined with major COMT SNPs such as V158M +/+ and H62H +/+ make supplementing with methyl B12 and folate more challenging. Suggest searching for assistance from Dr. Ben Lynch and Dr. Amy Yasko.
I have the same mthfr variance and supplement that give you the methylated form is called folate. You most likely will need to have it prescribed.
I have the following and For the last year I’ve been taking Jarrow Methyl B-12 and Methyl Folate. The genes below are both contradictory and complementary. I’ve noticed that my skin has become clearer. Stomach/gut issues have calmed. But I still can’t seem to keep my D from dropping 3 points every 1 to 2 months unless they dope me with 50k iu’s per week. Keep
Gene & Variation rsID Alleles Result
COMT V158M rs4680 AA +/+
COMT H62H rs4633 TT +/+
VDR Bsm rs1544410 CT +/-
VDR Taq rs731236 AG +/-
MAO-A R297R rs6323 TT +/+
ACAT1-02 rs3741049 AG +/-
MTHFR C677T rs1801133 AG +/- works at about 65%
MTR A2756G rs1805087 AG +/-
MTRR A66G rs1801394 GG +/+
MTRR A664A rs1802059 AG +/-
I’ve read that with VDR taq and bsm mutations comes a likely intolerance to Vitamin D3 supplements? I am +/- for both. Should I avoid D3 and up magnesium and cod liver oil to boost my D levels? Thanks!
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, Aaron.
Your body needs vitamin D3!
I also am compound VDR heterozygous, and take at least 10,000 iu/day of vitamin D3. My level is around 150 ng/mL.
Please be aware that cod liver oil (CLO) contains excessive amounts of vitamin A. In fact, lots of vitamin A can wreak havoc with vitamin D3 absorption. Why? Excess vitamin A denies vitamin D3 its mechanism of action to influence genetic activity. Hence, the most effective way to increase your vitamin D3 level is to follow the daily Vitamin D Wellness Protocol referenced in this article. Best of health!
Hi Aaron,
I have both TAQ +/- and BSM+/-
My experience is that I can not tolerate Vitamin D supplements.
Side effects includes insomnia even at low doses in the morning.
My D25 is low, but D 1.25 is 90. I have VDR taq +/+. SO THERE IS MORE TO THE PICTURE ACCORDING TO BELOW:
It is essential to measure both 25(OH)D and 1,25(OH)2D to rule out a vitamin D deficiency. The level of 25(OH)D doesn’t directly reflect the level of 1,25(OH)2D. Patients with Th1/Th17 inflammation (who have not been supplementing with vitamin D) often have a low level of 25(OH)D while the level of 1,25(OH)2D is high. Testing only 25(OH)D, as is usually done, may result in a false diagnosis of vitamin D deficiency. The key result is the level of 1,25(OH)2D because it is the active metabolite.
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, Sam. Thank you for your comment. While I agree that what counts is one’s activated D3 (in the cells), the D 1,25 blood test is inaccurate due to the substance’s short half-life.
Increased risk of getting various diseases if have a poor vitamin D receptor gene
increase Health Problem
13 Sepsis
9.6 Chronic Periodontitis
and smoke
7.6 Crohn’s disease
5.8 Low back pain in athletes
5 Ulcerative Colitis
5 Coronary Artery Disease
4.6 Breast Cancer
4 polycystic ovary syndrome
3.3 Pre-term birth
3.1 Lumbar Disc Degeneration
3.1 Colon Cancer survival
3 Multiple Sclerosis
3 Dengue
3 Waist size
3 Ischemic Stroke
3 Alzheimer’s
2.8 Osteoporosis if COPD
2.7 Gastric Cancer
2.4 Lung Cancer
2.3 Autism
2 Diabetic Retinopathy
2 Parkinson’s
2 Wheezing/Asthma
2 Melanoma
2 Myopia
1.9 Uterine Fibroids
1.9 Early tooth decay
1.8 Diabetic nephropathy
1.6 Diabetes – Type I
1.6 Prostate Cancer while black
1.5 Diabetes -Type II
1.5 Pertusus
1.4 Rheumatoid arthritis
1.3 Childhood asthma
1.3 Tuberculosis
does this also meant the reverse can occur and you can share your good vitamin d receptor genes as well?
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, Mike.
Am unsure what you mean “share your good vitamin D receptor genes as well?”
Thank you,
Hi Susan,
Your article has been super helpful in understanding my husbands VDR genetic mutations. He has the VDR Taq +/+ and VDR Bsm +/+. I have both +/- for those two genetic mutations and take about 5,000 IU/day. I definitely notice a different in my skin. I am trying to figure out how much vitamin D3 he should be taking? I was thinking he should be taking double the amount I take? 10,000 IU/day? Do you think that would be enough for him?
I’m not sure if you can answer these other questions, but he also has the MTHFR A1298C +/- and MTRR A66G +/+, BHMT-02 +/-, CBS C699T +/- and SHMT1 C1420T +/- genes.
It is my understanding that he should be taking a B complex with 400 mcg of methylfolate (gradually increase as he adjusts to it) and B12 hydroxocobalamin for the MTHFR and MTRR genetic mutations.
I feel a liver support and zinc supplement will help his BHMT genetic mutation.
He should avoid sulphur producing foods like garlic, onions, broccoli etc due to his CBS mutation, but should he be taking BH4 too because this mutation depletes it? If methylfolate is the end result, wouldn’t it be best to just take the B complex with methylfolate instead of BH4, or both are needed?
I’m not sure what to do for the SHMT1 gene.
Thank you so much for your time and spreading awareness about preventive medicine!
Dear Krista,
I am thrilled that this article has been helpful.
What is your husband’s COMT V158M? The reason I ask is that your answer will help me respond to your question about what form of B12 to take?
Hi Susan,
I cannot understand how it works. For example, if someone has VDR tag ++ As I understand it, it means that there is a problem in the level of vitamin D receptors, in other words, the body does not respond to a normal level of vitamin D and so is vitamin D-resistant to some extent. It also mean that even if your level of vitamin D is normal, it still cannot work in the cell. Is that right? So, how can we correct it?? Does high doses of vitamin D break this barrier? Is any side effects possible? O
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Thank you for your comment. Following the Vitamin D Wellness protocol should increase your D3 level to optimal.
Hello Susan,
This article is great. I never knew about the different forms of Vitamin D. The values for 25(OH)D was pretty low and taking a D3 supplement always made me a jittery.
Can you advice me on my mutation results?
MTRR A66G +/+ , COMT H62H +/+, MTHFR A1298C +/-, MTRR R415T +/-, BHMT 2 +/- , BHMT 4 +/-, CBS A360A +/-, COMT V158M +/-, VDR taq1 +/- and NOS D298E +/-
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Thank you for your comments. My new book “Silent Inheritance: Are You Predisposed to Depression” (available on Amazon) explains some of your methylation gene variants that you listed. Cheers, Susan
I am COMT V158M +/- COMT H62H +/- VDRBsm +/+ VDR Taq +/- MTHFR c677t +/-
BHMT -02+/- and lost.. Have many autoimmune problems. any ideas on what is going on here? Appreciate any educated insight on this..
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, Brook. I’d need to see your SNPs from your Methylation Profile. For example, what is your MAO A (rs6323)?
According to my report, only MAO A R297R is mentioned and says not genotyped..
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, Brook. Looks as if you had 23andMe process your saliva sample. Unfortunately, they no longer genotype MAO A R297R, a key gene variant for depression.
Hi. Will you help me interpret these results and what vitamins and supplements may be beneficial?
VDR Taq rs731236 AA +/+
COMT H62H rs4633 CT +/-
VDR Bsm rs1544410 CT +/-
MTRR A66G rs1801394 AG +/-
MTRR K350A rs162036 AG +/-
BHMT-02 rs567754 CT +/-
SHMT1 C1420T rs1979277 AG +/-
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi! Your VDR gene variants indicate that you need to adequately supplement with vitamin D3. Do you have any MTHFR and/or MAO A?
I am having a hard time trying to process all of this! If there is any way you can help me, I would be so grateful!
MTHFR C677T homozygous
The rest are heterozygous :
MTR A2756G
My daughter has not had her DNA testing done but had been diagnosed with low D and multiple sclerosis
Any infor you can help me with would be great!
Thanks in advance,
Sheri Barnett
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, Sheri!
First, please understand that I am not a licensed medical professional.
Second, based on my self-education, I can provide comments on some of your SNPs. PLEASE understand that if these SNPs are NOT expressed, then you probably will not have symptoms.
Regarding MTHFR C677T and your MTRR, MTR, MTRR, your methylation process may be significantly impaired.
You have a vitamin D deficiency.
You best tolerate the hydroxyl and/or adenosyl forms of B12. Avoid methylated B12.
Some depression and/or anxiety may be lurking but the missing piece is MAO A R297R (rs6323).
I am sorry that your daughter has MS. I cannot overemphasize her need for daily high-doses of vitamin D3. Please join my Vitamin D Wellness FB group and/or read “Defend Your Life” for more information.
I don’t think I made myself very clear. These are my 23andme mutations not my daughters.
I realize you are not a doctor but I sure do appreciate your knowledge! Thank you for answering me.
I thought I was supposed to take methyl forms of B. I have not heard of the other forms.
My daughter is taking high dose D. I think around 30,000 daily. It has helped a lot!
I take 10,000 a day myself.
I will check out the book you recommended as well.
Any direction on how much B to take a day?
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, Sheri!
Am glad that your daughter sees improvement with a daily dose of 30,000 iu of D3. Since she has MS, suggest checking into the COIMBRA PROTOCOL (google)
Best to consult a naturophatic doctor for specific B dosing. Ensure you find a doctor who knows MTHFR and other methylation issues.
My Genetic Genie results. Can you help me decipher and what supplements would help?
COMT V158M +/-
COMT H62H +/-
VDR Bsm +/+
MTHFR A1298C +/-
MTR A2756G +/-
BHMT-02 +/-
CBS C699T +/-
SHMT1 C1420T +/+
I appreciate your help.
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, Cyndi.
Some of your SNPs hint that you might be predisposed to depression and/or anxiety. Suggest reading “Silent Inheritance” (on Amazon) to learn more about this subject.
You have one copy of an MTHFR gene variant — A1298C…could inhibit methylation IF your gene has expressed.
You need B12, and according to the SNPs you shared you can take any of the three acceptable forms of B12.
You most likely have a vitamin D deficiency.
You also need vitamin B6 for the conversion of homocysteine into cystathionine via transsulferation. Please see my new “High Homocysteine” article on my blog.
Hope this helps. Strongly recommend you read “Silent Inheritance.” Lots of info to address these issues.
I don’t know anything about the MTHFR gene nor do I understand what you mean by if my gene has expressed. Can you explain what this could mean?
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
The book entitled “Silent Inheritance” answers your questions. Highly recommend reading it!
Hi Susan,
I have been struggling for years with various mental and physical health issues. I just received my results via genetic genie and was hoping you would be able to offer me some guidance on supplements or medications that may help me. Any information you could provide would be very helpful.
Homozygous Genes
SHMT1 C1420T
Heterozygous Genes
MTR A2756G
Thank you,
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, Andrea.
The answers largely lie in my new book entitled “Silent Inheritance” where I address many of these SNPs, etc. The book is available on all Amazon sites.
Hi Sue!
I think that the work you are doing is awesome!
I have homozygous mutation in my VDR taq gene, I am Vit D deficient. I am not tolerating Vit D supplements, I feel horrible.
I also have homozygous mutations in two of the COMT genes. Could this be why? If so, is there anything I can do about it?
Finally, are these answers in the “Silent Inheritance” book that you recommend?
Thanks so much,
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, Stacie.
Thank you for your kind words. I suspect you need B12, and “Silent Inheritance” provides the info you need for which form of B12. Also info on other B vitamins as well as vitamin D.
You are right, I do need B12 and that I should try the hydroxy form instead of methyl. I do take a B complex. I was wondering if taking a D supplement could cause my dopamine levels to get too high because of the COMT mutations.
I will look into the book, thank you for a quick response ?
Both my husband and I are VDR Taq rs731236 AA +/+ and MTHFR C677T rs1801133 AG +/-
what does this mean for us? What supplements should we be taking?
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Dear Kim,
Well, you need adequate vitamin D3 taken with vitamin K2 MK-7. (VDR taq) And regarding heterozygous MTHFR C677T, avoid folic acid by reading processed food ingredients labels.
Hello Susan, first off thank you so much for all this information you are sharing, you are helping so many people.Very gracious!
If you don’t mind, could you suggest what supplements I should be taking?
COMT V158M +/+
COMT H62H +/+
CBS C699T +/+
VDR Bsm +/-
VDR Taq +/-
MTHFR C677T +/-
MTHFR A1298C +/-
MTRR A66G +/-
MTRR K350A +/-
BHMT-02 +/-
SHMT1 C1420T +/-
If this helps any, I have had a vitamin D blood test and my result was about 30 ng/ml, and I don’t know if this matters but my iron is very high, and I eat primarily a vegetarian diet. (grew up vegetarian, now I eat meat occasionally) (I am almost 22, F)
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, Luna.
Thank you for your comments.
Regarding your genetic data, you are compound heterozygous for MTHFR. In addition, you have other methylation pathways that could be affected by stress. So–avoid folic acid (read carefully food ingredients labels). The best forms of vitamin B12 to take are hydroxyl- and/or adenosylB12. You also need to supplement with vitamin D3 and K2 MK-7. Please join my FB group Vitamin D Wellness for more information. You also may be prone to depression and/or anxiety. For additional info, check out my book called “Silent Inheritance.”
My Genetic Genie results. Can you help me decipher and what supplements would help?
COMT V158M +/-
COMT H62H +/-
VDR Bsm +/+
MTHFR C677T +/-
MTRR A66G +/+
CBS C699T +/-
SHMT1 C1420T +/-
I have ordered your book as well, any information would help!
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, Kendra,
Looking at your COMT and VDR bsm gene variants, you should better tolerate hydroxyl/adenosyl B12 than methylB12. Since your VDR bsm is +/+, good idea to supplement with vitamin D3 and its partners. (Additional info in “Silent Inheritance” and FB support group called Vitamin D Wellness.) You are heterozygous MTHFR C677T (I also am); avoid folic acid. Get a blood test for homocysteine. Your COMT gene variants suggest that you may be predisposed to anxiety and/or depression.
Does this make sense?
Thank you Sue!
It does make sense, I have ordered the book and joined the FB group. I really appreciate your insight.
I will get a blood test for homocysteine as well. My VIT D levels were at 16 last year. I just recently started up on my supplement again. I guess the only question I have is why avoid folic acid? Folate is okay though?
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, Kendra,
Folic acid is synthetic and is not helpful to our methylation. Folate is natural.
Enjoy the book,
Hi Susan,
Would appreciate some help in deciphering and supplements:
VDR Taq +/+
MTHFR C677T +/-
MTHFR A1298C +/-
MTR A2756G +/-
MTRR A66G +/-
BHMT-02 +/-
Thank you in advance.
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, John.
Stick with the Hydroxy B12 due to your VDR taq and COMT V158M gene variants.
A good book for Cassie is “Silent Inheritance” regarding predisposition to depression. Think you will find it interesting and helpful.
Hello Susan, I have ordered your book, I think it will be very helpful. In the meantime, if you could help with the following:
VDR Taq +/+
COMT V158M +/-
COMT H62H +/-
MTHFR A1298C +/-
MTRR A66G +/-
MTRR R415T +/-
SHMT1 C1420T +/-
Thank you
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Need to supplement with vitamin D3 and K2 plus magnesium. Please join the FB support group called “Vitamin D Wellness” for info on supplements.
May be predisposed to depression and/or anxiety.
Avoid folic acid as there are genetic variants in the methylation cycle.
Hi Susan, this is a wonderful blog…thank you! Ive been trying to figure out what my DNA results can tell me about my health. I also was just diagnosed with B12 deficiency and too my first shot yesterday. I feel that the low B12 is only a piece of the puzzle but when reading my 23and me reports again today, I discovered a link to the low B12 in my DNA. Can you provide any additional insight? My doctor is only recommending B12 shot every three months, my reading was 115
COMT V158M rs4680 AG +/-
COMT H62H rs4633 CT +/-
COMT P199P rs769224 GG -/-
VDR Bsm rs1544410 CC -/-
VDR Taq rs731236 AA +/+
MTHFR A1298C rs1801131 GT +/-
MTR A2756G rs1805087 AA -/-
MTRR A66G rs1801394 AG +/-
MTRR K350A rs162036 AA -/-
MTRR R415T rs2287780 CC -/-
BHMT-02 rs567754 CC -/-
CBS C699T rs234706 GG -/-
SHMT1 C1420T rs1979277 GG -/-
SOD2 A16V rs4880 GG +/+
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, Tina. An important question first, please. What form of B12 was in your injection?
Susan, sorry I don’t know what form it was. I picked up the B12 liquid at the pharmacy and then back to the doctors for injection. They kept the bottle so I don’t have it with me.Ive read that some people require Folate with the B12 for it to be effective.
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, Tina. B12 comes in a number of forms: cyano, methyl, adenosyl, and hydroxy. Suggest calling your doctor’s office or the pharmacy to ascertain what form of B12 that you took by IM injection. This is importance regarding your methylation gene results.
hi Susan, they gave me the cyanocobalamin injection USB 1000MCG/ML
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Oh, Tina. You were administered the cheapest, least effective form of B12. Moreover, this form contains cyanide (yes, the poison) molecules.
Hi Susan, oh my…thats really concerning!! I will speak to my doctor. Do you know based on what they gave me, which one I should be getting? I will definitely do my research on this. Thank you for informing me.
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Two B12 forms probably would be more effective for you: adenosylB12 or hydroxylB12 (“cobalamin” is the word for B12, by the way).
thank you very much Susan
Hi Susan!!
I keep screwing up sorry, Please disregard the above results. typo!!
Here are my results:
VDR Taq -/-
VDRbsm +/+
COMT V158M +/-
COMT H62H +/-
MTHFR A1298C +/+
MTRR A66G +/-
CBS C699T +/-
Any help would be appreciated
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Dear Esther, I am away, caring for my elderly parents. Please repost your question in about a week so I can answer it. Thanks.
Just got analysis from Genetic Genie – am already supplementing with Vit D gelcaps 20,000 IU daily (when I dropped to 10,000 my level went down), Vit K2 Mk 7 and magnesium glycinate:
Would appreciate your thoughts on the following:
VDR Taq +/+
COMT V158M +/-
COMT H62H +/-
MTHFR C677T +/-
MTHFR A1298C +/-
CBS C699T +/-
CYP1B1 L432V +/+
CYP1A2 164A>C +/-
NAT2 I114T +/-
NAT2 K268R +/-
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, June,
Looking at your COMT and VDR Taq, you would better tolerate hydroxyl and/or adenosyl B12. You are compound heterozygous for MTHR.
I’ve not had a genetic screen , it was looking at 23and me. That led me to your blog as I’am vitD deficient and have immune issues.
I wonder if you know of another place to get screening on line 23andme have a saliva collection method, I suffer from sicca syndrome and the amount would be impossible for me to collect. Those I’ve found that do a cheek swab don’t seem to do the health screen.
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Another online genetic test is Ancestry DNA , which is available in the UK.
Best wishes,
Thank you,
I looked at this one but it’s saliva collection too. I’ll keep looking for a swab test. I was so excited to learn about genetics and the mutataions, the benefits it could bring me to know. I didnt realise no saliva would be a problem in getting a test done , blood testing for sjogrens was negative but boy I sure feel that’s wrong. I’am going to badger the doctor again for testing. Keep up your good work lovely lady.
Hi Susan,
I’ve requested to join the FB group but in the meantime I’d appreciate some help in deciphering and supplements. I’ve struggle for years with D3 deficiency and now perhaps I know why. I have managed to bring up the ng from 10 to 40. I have autoimmune issues and severe muscle weekness in my legs going up stairs. Maybe this new info will help me get some answers. Thank you. Diane
COMT V158M +/-
COMT H62H +/-
VDR Taq +/+
MAO A R297R +/-
MTHFR 03 P39P +/-
MTHFR A1298C +/-
MTRR A66G +/+
MTRR A664A +/+
CBS C699T +/-
SHMT1 C1420T +/-
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, Diane,
I hope we see you in the Vitamin D Wellness Group. I’ve written a book called “Silent Inheritance” for you and others who wish to gain insights into their methylation gene variants and supplements. It is available on Amazon: on discount
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, Gina. Well, you definitely need vitamin D, I suggest that you join the Facebook Vitamin D Wellness group to learn how to increase your D.
You also have two copies of the MTHFR A1289C gene variant which may affect your methylation.
Hope this helps!
What do I do about the Methylation? Is that going to affect my Vit D? I need to get well for my sweet kiddos. I have had some Drs say there is no helping this and I can’t get better. That breaks my heart! 🙁 Any other supplements you think I should add? Just looking for some reassurance that I can better…for my kids sake. Thank you so much! Gods blessings….
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Gina, You mentioned that your husband ordered my book. Silent Inheritance? Reading that should answer your questions.
Cheers. And take care.
Hi Susan,
I am hoping for you help with some supplement suggestions.
I have tried on my own, but think I wasn’t doing well with what I was taking as it made my anxiety spike.
As much as I’ve tried to read – it all seems overwhelming and sometimes depending on the genes, contradicting.
Your advice and time is greatly appreciated.
COMT V158M +/-
COMP H62H +/-
VDR Taq +/+
MTHFR C677T +/-
MTHFR A1298C -/-
MTR A2756G -/-
MTRR A66G +/+
MTRR K350A -/-
MTRR R415T -/-
BHMT-02 +/-
CBS C699T +/-
SHMT1 C1420T -/-
If you could please let me know which supplements would be ok. Again, I really appreciate you help and the time that you take to respond.
I have lots of mutations that point towards the need to supplement Vitamin D but i’m very allergic to lanolin, where synthetic Vitamin D is made from. How can I successfully supplement ?
Thank you in advance.
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Consider taking vegan vitamin D3 made with algae/lichen.
Hi Sue,
I have am homozygous COMT V158 M and also H62H, homozygous MTHFR 677T and heterogeneous for all VDR genes. I dont tolerate methyl B12, Methyl folate or any form of Vit D supplements. They all give me severe anxiety, heart palpitations , depression, joint pain, muscle pain, sleep jerks. especially vit D3 at any dose – smallest to largest (it increases my active 1,25(OH) Dihydroxy by many folds). any advice is truly appreciated.
Hello Susan,
I have VDR Taq +/+. After achieving the optimal vitamin D level of 100ng/mL, how many IUs of Vitamin D per day do I need to take to maintain the same level?
Hello Susan,
Wondering if you could help.
Here are my results:
COMT V158M rs4680 AG +/-
COMT H62H rs4633 CT +/-
VDR Taq rs731236 AA +/+
MTHFR C677T rs1801133 AG +/-
MTHFR A1298C rs1801131 GT +/-
MTRR K350A rs162036 AG +/-
CBS C699T rs234706 AG +/-
Can you pls assist with this one? I think it means supplement with D3 and methylated B vitamins B6 and b9. Anything else? Thanks for your help!!!
Thank you so much for this valuable information Susan!
I too have both the TAQ +/- and BSM+/- genes.
Is there any hope for me getting Vitamin D from sunlight? I invested in a medical-grade lamp that has been proven to work for others. I really cannot tolerate supplements of any kind right now due to other health issues.
Thank you.
I have the VDR TAQ +/+ genes and others mutations, I am currently taking Vit D3 with K2 drops at dinner.(per FM doctor). I see that you recommend taking Vit D3 at breakfast. I tried that once and had horrible insomnia from it, so I switched it back to dinner. I have struggled with insomnia ever since. Is there a problem with taking it a dinner instead of at breakfast?
My 22 year old son has the following mutations VDR rs731236 +/+, MTHFRA1298C+/-, MTHA2756G +/-, MTRRA66G +/+, ShMTI C1420T+/-. I placed an order for your book. While waiting what supplements do you suggest? Should we find out his histamine levels and serotonine?
Hi Susan, I wanted to add that those of us who are bleeding heavily each month on our periods should not take K2. I tried that and I bled very, very heavily when I did, so therefore should not take K2. I use Activated B complex and Magnesium Bisglycinate to allow the supplement to absorb, rather than K2.
The Real Person!
Author Sue acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi, Susan, I have the VDR Taq +/- (I do not remember if I have the other one). My low Vitamin D was diagnosed properly before I had my genes tested, however, and I say properly because my doctor retested to ensure the correct dose (as my sister’s doctor did not). The dose for me is 50,000 units a week, however this WILL cause nausea once replete because that’s a high dose all at once, so I take 10,000 units 5 days a week or 5,000 every day sublingual by Superior Source (no nausea that way, but not covered by insurance).
I used to keep my Vitamin D between 70 and 100. Once I started it, that voracious calcium craving went away. Now, however, websites are saying 50-70 is the better dose. Life Extension says that and this website indicates that too much D can cause heart attack: For myself, I feel like I lose D/calcium easily. I have been keeping my D level at 70-100 for 15 years. As science moves onward, I am wondering if you still think 100 is the way to go?
Lastly I still get depression. I did not know it could have anything to do with Vitamin D levels… but it does seem to be related to diet/ light exposure/ something that changes and has nothing to do with my life events. The problem is that I am a reader and a sedentary reading lifestyle does not agree with my health – certainly depression-wise (and also I get binge compulsions – to eat chocolate, for instance, which comes with sugar, which causes a dopamine-high). I would like to dial down such compulsions and avoid depression pitfalls. Sorry I do not remember the rest of my genes, but I have a lot that are broken…the worst is an ACE +/+, and calcium-magnesium supplements lower my b.p. 30 points. So… I ta a very special need for cal-mag! As to dopamine, I have always been perplexed that mine is low because I have a COMT +/+ gene that is supposed to retain dopamine. I can get my methylation perfect with methylated B vitamins and it does not bother me at all…yet, supposedly with COMT +/+ it is supposed to bother me! I guess I am an outlier, not a textbook case. But if you happen to have a clue I can follow up on how to raise (or keep raised) my dopamine, I would be much obliged. P.S. I am only moderately overweight.
Thank you
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Hi Sue,
Thank you for your comments.
Regarding your VDR Taq +/- and other genetic SNPs (ACE and COMT) results. Suggest consulting your overall genetic profile.
The article here: explains more about VDR SNPs. Aiming for an optimal vitamin D3 level of at least 100 ng/ml (or 250 nmol/L) by following the daily Vitamin D Wellness Protocol should be your goal. Am perplexed about what you say about calcium. Is it out of range?
Studies have shown that vitamin D and vitamin K2 help heart health.
Regarding depression, a good place to start learning about depression-related SNPs, vitamin D and other potential helpers can be found in my book “Silent Inheritance.”
The Real Person!
Author Alex acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
“As someone who is impassioned with the health benefits of vitamin D, my vitamin D level has been optimal for years, despite my inherited VDR SNPs. What this means is anyone who has a VDR gene mutation can overcome this defect by raising one’s levels to at least 100 ng/mL (250 nmol/L). ”
This statement seems potentially misleading, because blood testing measures the levels of vitamin D in the blood before its metabolism, not functional utilization.
The VDR mutations don’t impair production or absorption of vitamin D, they affect the metabolism of vitamin D and its incorporation into numerous downstream pathways.
Is there any evidence that saturating VDRs actually overcomes the defects associated with VDR mutations?
The Real Person!
Author Susan Rex Ryan acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.
Great question, Alex.
This study should answer your question.