Methylation Gene Variants Associated with Common Brain Disorders

By |2023-03-13T20:20:47+00:00August 4th, 2019|Brain Disorders, DNA Mutations|

The sheer complexity of the human brain is daunting. A healthy adult brain includes approximately 100 billion nerve cells called neurons. Neurons are connected through minute gaps called synapses across which impulses pass through neurotransmitters that link more than a 100 trillion points in the central nervous system. A biochemical [...]

Hearing Loss and High Homocysteine

By |2018-03-19T11:36:05+00:00March 19th, 2018|Diet, Hearing, Homocysteine|

Hearing loss is commonly attributed to aging. We see lots of seniors wearing hearing aids and assume that is a fait accompli as we grow older. Recent research however reveals that elevated homocysteine – long associated with cardiovascular and neurological conditions – may also contribute to hearing loss. The Impact [...]

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